03.15. product canisters
03.16. miscellaneous
03.17. notes
max. three, according to the machine configuration; single (55
mm) or double (110 mm) width; dispensing worm screws 9 mm or
18 mm in pitch; with mixer gear and stirrer, if arranged by the
configuration and with standard or shorter product slide outlet
(see 05.14.);
- canister capacity:
machine parameters programmable by means of a flash key or
selection keyboard; data collection by means of a flash key (see
the water and energy supply tolerance limits that can ensure a
good and proper operation of the XX micro machine are:
- total hardness:
- recommended conductivity:
(*) if harder, please use anti-limestone filters;
- nominal voltage:
room (during storage and operation):
- temperature:
- relative humidity:
electric consumption:
- power (vending phase):
the complete data according to the EVA-EMP Energy Measurement
Protocol, are made available upon request (see 02.02.);
the power supply cable supplied with the vending machine
shall not be altered under any circumstance; in case of loss
or damage replace it by using an original component only;
make sure that the electric installation can deliver the power
suitable for the machine (see 03.03.);
a good ground connection is not only a legal obligation for the
protection of users and operators, but it can also provide for
correct power supply;
from 10 °f to 25 °f (*)
400 μS @ 20 °C
+10 % /- 15 %
5 °C ÷ 35 °C
max 80 %
from 48 Wh to 360 Wh
width 55 mm
width 110 mm
capacity 1.7 litres
capacity 3.5 litres
0.94 kg chocolate
2.20 kg
0.38 kg
0.33 kg
MAN1890105 rel. 02 dated 08.03.2017
page no. 11 of 38
www.rheavendors.com tel: 0039 02 966 551 fax: 0039 02 96 55 086 e mail: [email protected]
rheavendors group's sole property
XX micro by