09.01.n. product qty
09.02. “data”
09.03. “free vend”
09.04. “clean.”
09.05. data support
each product motor can be assigned a time credit in seconds that
will be decreased at each dispensing cycle of that product; after
having used up the credit, the selection key flash on and off
whenever a request is made for that product; this control is
disabled at the beginning and the machine has got no constraint;
to programme the credit time of a product motor, set the variable
by pressing key “4” and “5”;
after having reached the time quantity you wish, press key “T”; the
value will be copied between parentheses on the left of the display;
quit the programming mode as usual;
choose the option “data” to enable the display to show the data of
the dispensing cycles you have performed in succession,
just as in 09.01.e.;
to dispense selections on a free basis; the selections made in this
mode are counted separately, just as in 09.01.e.;
choose this option and press “1” or “2” to enable the vending
machine to dispense a pre-fixed water quantity to wash the
corresponding circuit (see 08.03.);
the values of the variables composing the machine programming
(configuration) can be transferred from an external support, i.e.
the flash key, to the machine; to do this:
- open the door;
- insert the flash key into the apposite connector (see 05.13.);
- power on the machine by means the service key ;
- all leds of the selection keyboard flash on and off together during
the data transfer phase;
- wait for the keyboard leds to turn on steadily in order to signal
that programming has come to an end;
- power off the machine by means the service key and remove the
flash key;
please note that the flash key used for these software handlings
must have been previously initialised (with RheAction for
sel. 1-2-3
product qty N
[ 0.0] 170.0
product qty N
[170.0] 170.0
MAN1890105 rel. 02 dated 08.03.2017
page no. 27 of 38
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