RFI-148 250W VHF Paging Transmitter User Manual
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4.2.2 IP Addressing
The paging transmitter supports IPv4. The IP address may be configured with a single static address. A
subnet mask and default gateway may be configured to allow communication across sub-networks.
4.3 Transmitter Operation
4.3.1 Transmit Power
The RFI-148 250 supports transmit power from 20 to 250 Watts in 1 Watt increments.
4.3.2 Channel Selection
The transmitter supports four channel rasters: 5 kHz; 6.25 kHz; 10 kHz; and 12.5 kHz, and has up to sixteen
configurable channels. The transmit frequency of each channel can be configured using the Cruise Control
GUI. The current operating channel can be selected using the Cruise Control GUI, Hayes AT commands, a
terminal interface or the LIU Interface.
4.3.3 Push-To-Talk (PTT)
There are three methods available to turn the transmitter on:
Software PTT:
Software PTT is available using Hayes AT commands, through the Cruise Control
GUI, or through the terminal menu interface.
Hardware PTT:
Hardware PTT is available through the LIU connector. Hardware PTT can be
configured to be active high or active low.
Auto PTT:
Auto PTT is performed by detecting a change in the data bits on the LIU and turning on
the transmitter.
The unit has the option to leave the transmitter on for a set duration after receiving a PTT off signal. This
delay is driven by software and typically accurate to 100 ms.
The unit can automatically raise a fault if the transmitter has been left on for too long. By default a transmit
timeout fault is raised if the transmitter is on for greater than 600 seconds (10 minutes). The default action
configured for the transmit timeout fault is to turn off the transmitter (see section 5.2). The ‘Enable transmit
timeout’ option must be set for this to occur. By default, this option is disabled.
Transmitter PTT can be completely disabled using the PTT system override setting. By default it is set to
Enable Transmit.