RFI-148 250W VHF Paging Transmitter User Manual
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ensure that
is selected from the dropdown box and enter in the serial settings
(19200 8N1 by default).
Use the
Device -> Connect to Local Device
menu item to connect to the local device.
To connect to a device over a network, the device IP address must be known. Configure the Cruise Control
communication settings using
Device -> Configure Communications
, ensure that
is selected
from the dropdown box and enter the device IP address. For the UDP port, enter 64250, 64251 or 64252.
The paging transmitter listens on UDP ports 64250, 64251 and 64252 for data and will not allow more than
one simultaneous session per port. If the paging transmitter does not respond to Cruise Control on a UDP
port, try another port as a connection could already be active on that port.
Use the
Device -> Connect to Local Device
menu item to connect to the device.
3.2.3 Device Navigation
Once all the settings have been downloaded from the device, the available configuration groups are
displayed in a tree on the left. The items that can be configured in each group are displayed in tables on the
The names of editable items are displayed in black. Read only items have their names in grey.
3.2.4 Sensor Gauges
Cruise Control can provide real-time operational information for paging transmitters using the Sensor
Gauges plugin. An example of diagnostic information provided by the Sensor Gauges plugin is shown below
in Figure 3.