Poor probe repeatability
and/or accuracy.
Debris on part or stylus.
Clean part and stylus.
Poor tool change repeatability.
Redatum probe after each tool
Loose probe mounting on shank
or loose stylus.
Check and tighten as appropriate.
Excessive machine vibration.
Change trigger filter setting.
Eliminate vibrations.
Calibration out of date and/or
incorrect offsets.
Review probing software.
Calibration and probing speeds
not the same.
Review probing software.
Calibration feature has moved.
Correct the position.
Measurement occurs as stylus
leaves surface.
Review probing software.
Measurement occurs within
the machine’s acceleration and
deceleration zone.
Review probing software and
probe filter settings.
Probing speed too fast or too
Perform simple repeatability trials
at various speeds.
Temperature variation causes
machine and workpiece
Minimise temperature changes.
Machine tool faulty.
Perform health checks on
machine tool.
RMP400 status LEDs do
not correspond to RMI
or RMI-Q
status LEDs.
Radio link failure – RMP400 out
of RMI or RMI-Q range.
Check position of RMI or RMI-Q,
see operating envelope.
RMP400 has been enclosed/
shielded by metal.
Remove from obstruction.
RMP400 and RMI or RMI-Q are
not partnered.
Partner RMP400 and RMI or