Operation state switching IAR
R01AN3597EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 3 of 42
Jan. 31, 2017
1. Specification
When the button is pressed (the INTP0 interrupt is generated), the flash operation
is changed. After all the
RL78/I1D supported operation state transitions are executed, it returns back to the state same as after reset.
Table 1.1 shows peripheral function and usage and Figure 1.1 shows the operation state transition sequence order.
Table 1.1
Peripheral function and usage
Peripheral function
A/D converter
Measurement of VDD voltage
12-bit interval timer
LED lighting control
Flash operation mode:
LV (Low voltage main) mode
Regulator mode:
Normal setting
Flash operation mode:
LS (Low speed main) mode
Regulator mode:
Normal setting
Flash operation mode:
LS (Low speed main) mode
Regulator mode:
Low consumption setting
Flash operation mode:
LS (Low speed main) mode
Regulator mode:
Normal setting
Flash operation mode:
HS (High speed main) mode
Regulator mode:
Normal setting
Flash operation mode:
LS (Low speed main) mode
Regulator mode:
Normal setting
Flash operation mode:
(Low consumption main) mode
Regulator mode:
Low consumption setting
Transition state0
(After Reset)
Transition state1
Transition state2
Transition state3
Transition state4
Transition state5
Transition state6
Transition state7
Flash operation mode:
LS (Low speed main) mode
Regulator mode:
Normal setting
Figure 1.1
Operation state transition sequence order