Proprietary Redline Communications © 2012
of 65
kune 12, 2012
GPS Antenna Installation
The GPS antenna is installed with a standard antenna thread-mounted to an L-shaped
bracket. The bracket can be strap-clamped to a roof mast or bolted to a flat surface.
Use an LMR-195 (or equivalent) coaxial cable to connect from the GPS antenna to the
RDL-3000 GPS antenna port. The GPS antenna can be connected using up to 46 m
(~150 ft) of high quality antenna cable.
Figure 51 - Sync - Collocated RDL-3000 Units
Choosing the GPS Antenna Location
It is important to conduct a site survey before installing the GPS antenna. A poorly
installed or badly located GPS antenna may not maintain accurate timing -- resulting in
increased interference in the wireless network that may result in service outages.
Prior to installing the GPS equipment, it is recommended to use a small handheld GPS
device to perform a survey for three to six hours. Check readings at regular intervals to
confirm that a minimum of three satellites, each having signal levels above 36 dB (post
correlation signal to noise (CNo)), are visible at all times.
To provide the best coverage, a GPS antenna should be installed at the highest point
available at the site. If the GPS antenna is mounted on the same tower as the sector
controller, the antenna must be located above the RDL-3000 wireless antenna.