Proprietary Redline Communications © 2012
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kune 12, 2012
Antenna Alignment
This section describes fine alignment of the RDL-3000 antennas using the RSSI
readings available from the sector controller and the subscriber. It is recommended that
subscribers, especially those using high-gain antennas, be fine-adjusted using the RSSI
measurements. The sector controller antenna requires only general alignment.
: The RDL-3000 can measure the RSSI only after a wireless link has
been established with a subscriber. To establish each wireless link, the operator must
configure a Link, Service Group, and Service for that subscriber.
Coarse Antenna Alignment
Antenna alignment is essential to obtain maximum performance from a wireless link.
Antenna misalignment results in weaker receive signal strength and it may not be
possible to establish the wireless link.
The alignment must be performed in both the azimuth and elevation planes. Before
installing the equipment, obtain accurate antenna pointing azimuth and elevation angles
for each installation site (see page 22). This will allow approximate alignment of
antennas by using GPS or magnetic compass.
Note: A metal tower will affect the accuracy of a magnetic compass. There is also a
difference between true North and Magnetic North (magnetic declination).
Azimuth Alignment
Use a magnetic or GPS compass to obtain the approximate azimuth direction. The
azimuth is aligned by loosening the bolts on the pipe bracket and rotating the antenna
around the pole.
Elevation Alignment
Most link budget plans will specify an elevation of zero degrees. The antenna can be set
to vertically using a bubble (spirit) level as shown in Figure 44 below. This method is not
accurate for elevation settings of greater than 5 degrees. To adjust the elevation, loosen
the appropriate bolts of the mounting bracket.
Figure 44: Procedures - Antenna Alignment - Zero the Antenna Elevation Plane