• The timer always starts the boiler with the last temperature and ventilation settings (or with the default settings at 20°C and V3 if
they have never been altered).
• The start time can be between 00:00 and 23:50
• If the stop time has not yet been saved, the program proposes a start time at +10 minutes.
• If a timer program turns off the boiler at 24:00 on one day and another program starts it up at 00:00 on the next day: the boiler
remains on.
• A program has a start-up and/or shut-down time that overlap the times of another program: if the boiler is already on, the start has
no effect while OFF turns off the boiler.
• When the boiler is on and the timer is active, pressing the OFF key turns off the boiler; the boiler then restarts automatically at the
next time of the timer.
• When the boiler is off and the timer is active, pressing the ON key turns on the boiler; the boiler then stops automatically at the next
time of the timer.
SLEEP FUNCTION (main menu)
Sleep may be activated only when the boiler is on and allows you to quickly set a time for the product to turn off.
To set the Sleep function, proceed as follows:
• Enter the MENU
• Scroll to the SLEEP item with the <> arrows
• Press Menu
• Set the turn-off time you want using the + and - keys.
The panel shows a default time of 10 minutes after the current time, which can be adjusted with key 4 up to the following day (i.e. the
turn-off can be delayed for a maximum of 23 hours and 50 minutes).
If the SLEEP function is active with the TIMER active, the former has priority, therefore the boiler will not turn off at the time set in the
timer program but at the time set by the sleep function, even if it comes after the time set by the timer.
To access the menu, proceed as follows:
• Press the - + keys
• Scroll with the <> arrows and select “Set Amb. T” or “Set Water T”
• Press “menu” to enter the option selected.
• Change with the + - keys.
• Press “menu” to confirm and “esc” to exit.