RealMan (Beijing) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Fig. 5-1 The overview of the robot.
As shown in Fig. 5-1, RM75-B cooperative robot system is mainly composed of robot
body or the robot arm, controller (integrated in the body base) and tablet/pad with
teaching software (optional). The robot body mimics a human arm that has seven
rotating joints, each representing one degree of freedom (DoF). As shown in Figure 5-
2, the robot joints include shoulder (joint 1), shoulder (joint 2), shoulder (joint 3), elbow
(joint 4), wrist 1 (joint 5), wrist 2 (joint 6), and wrist 3 (joint 7). An arm tube is used to
connect the shoulders to the elbows. After the teaching software is connected with the
controller, the user can control the rotation of each joint of the robot arm to move the
end tool to different positions and poses.