Burner Commissioning
Once the firebox has been installed and fixed to the building the gas and electricity can be connected. Some
people elect to leave this until the decorating has been completed and the installation can be finished,
remember that the trim can not be attached until the wall lining is finished.
Electronic Burner
CAUTION Isolate the power and gas supplies before commencing work on the fire!
Remove the Air Diverter Panel from the front of the Burner Assembly
Remove the burner assembly by removing the two fixing screws in front of the burner and pulling the
tray forward and then upwards to remove from the gas control.
There may be aeration sleeves attached to the venturi tubes on the back of the burner, take care not to
loose these, there is a chart on page 13 that shows which aeration sleeve should be used depending on
the gas and burner media being used.
It may be necessary to remove the gas control assembly in order to make bending and flaring the gas
supply pipe easier. To do this:
Remove the fixing screws on the bottom of the assembly and carefully swing the left end of the
assembly out of the cavity.
Take care not to pinch or strain the power connection at the
back right corner or the Control Lead in the centre.
If it is necessary to remove the assembly completely then use a POZI drive screw driver to
loosen the single screw holding the control panel in place and slide the panel outwards
Disconnect the control lead from the back of the control panel and carefully pull the cable back
up into the firebox cavity
Disconnect the power, fan and earth connection at the back left corner of the cavity, take note
of the screw and washer holding the earth connection in place (refer page 11)
After bending and flaring the gas supply pipe, purge the gas pipe and fix the gas control assembly back
in place and connect the gas.
Reconnect the power and gas (reconnect the control panel and fan connection if previously removed)
Replace and fix the burner assembly in place
Connect a manometer to the inlet test point (refer page 11)
Press the ON/OFF button on either the control panel or remote control
for at least one second
the red LED on the control panel glows.