Chapter 4: DVD Menu System
TV Aspect
The TV aspect adjusts the way a movie appears on your TV. Stand TVs are 4 x 3 format. Depending on
the type of television you have, you may want to adjust the screen setting (also called the aspect ratio).
1. If a disc is playing, press STOP and MENU (the menu appears).
2. Highlight TV Aspect. Press OK. The TV Aspect options appears.
3. Highlight the option you want (as described below) and press OK.
4. Highlight Resume at the bottom of the screen and press OK to return
to disc play.
4 x 3 Letterbox –
Choose this setting if you want to see movies in their
original aspect ratio (height-to-width ratio). You’ll see the entire frame of
the movie, but it takes up a smaller portion of the screen vertically. The
movie might appear with black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.
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