Safety No�ces
The equipment manufactured by RBD Instruments, Inc. (RBD) are designed with considera�on of the
safety of those who come in contact with them. Towards this end, we have defined the skills and
that operators and maintenance personnel must have to interact with our products.
Authorized Personnel
Operators and maintenance personnel require specific skills to interact with RBD’s products.
Operators of RBD equipment are expected to be familiar with the technical informa�on and
provided in the included documenta�on. It is also expected that unless
Operators have the
and knowledge required by maintenance personnel, Operators will not atempt to repair or
maintain the
equipment without the assistance of someone who has such skill and knowledge.
Qualified and skilled maintenance personnel will have the following knowledge and experience:
Training and experience with voltages above 2 kV.
Familiarity with and understanding of the documenta�on included with the equipment
Awareness, familiarity, and understanding of all safety no�ces and symbols that are included in
documenta�on and on the equipmen