Opera�ng the IG2 With the
32-175 Controller
32-175 Front Panel Controls and Meter
Main power ON / OFF
: Turns the 32
175 ON and OFF
Beam voltage ON / OFF / Remote Switch
: Turns the beam voltage ON, OFF and on and off
In the remote mode TTL low (or shorted relay contacts) = Beam ON
Beam Voltage Knob
the Beam Voltage to 500, 1000, 1500, or 2000 volts DC. The Beam
voltage accelerates the ions to the target.
Adjusts the size of the ion beam.
Emission Poten�ometer
Sets the filament current, resul�ng emission current is displayed on
the emission meter.
Emission Meter:
isplays the emission current, 25mA nominal.
Ini�al Out
-gassing of the 04-165 Ion Source
IG2 packages and 04-
165 Ion Sources newly purchased from RBD have had ini�al outgassing
procedure performed. If the 04-165 Ion Source is up-to-
air for an extended period of �me a�er
ini�al outgassing, follow the outgassing procedure, no�ng that wait �mes may be reduced by 50%.
NOTE: Before outgassing the 04-165 ion source the vacuum chamber needs to be baked out to
remove water vapor from the ion source.
If at any time during out
-gassing the emission meter starts to climb rapidly, turn the Emission
Potentiometer down until the emission current stabilizes. The
n resume the procedure.
With the 32
175 main power switch OFF, make sure that the Emission Poten�ometer is fully
CCW. The Emission Poten�ometer controls the filament current. 0 to 10 turns correspond
to 0 to 2.0 amps of filament current.
Set the Beam Voltage Knob to 500 V and the Beam Voltage Switch to OFF.
Turn the 32
175 main power switch ON.
Slowly turn the Emission Poten�ometer CW typically 6 to 7 turns un�l you have 1 to 2 mA of
emission current.
Keep turning the poten�ometer un�l the emission ac�vates
Watch the
meter –
if it spikes, turn down immediately until
you are back between 1 and 2 mA.
Wait for 10 to 20 minutes then turn the Emission Poten�ometer CW un�l you have 5 mA of
emission current.
Wait 10 to 20 minutes and then increase the Emission Poten�ometer un�l you have 10 mA of
emission current.