Search
:
Enter
a
keyword
of
a
username
or
remark
to
be
searched
in
the
text
file
and
click
this
button
to
perform
the
search.
All
usernames
matching
the
keyword
will
be
listed.
Del
All
:
Click
this
button
to
delete
all
the
users
at
once
or
click
Delete
(hyperlinked)
to
delete
a
specific
user
individually.
Edit
User:
If
in
need
of
editing,
click
the
desired
user
account
on
Local
User
List
to
enter
the
User
Profile
Interface
for
that
particular
user,
and
then
modify
or
add
information
such
as
Username
,
Password
,
Address
(optional),
Applied
Group
(optional)
and
Remark
(optional).
An
expiration
time
can
be
Enabled
and
the
Begin/End.