Service Manual Rayjet
Emission indication and safety labeling
Safety information
Trotec Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
_Linzer Strasse 156, A-4600 Wels, Austria, Technical Support
11 / 53
tel_+43 (0)7242 239-7000, fax_+43 (0)7242 239-7380, mailto:
2.4 Emission indication and safety labeling
2.4.1 Light Emitting Diodes
There is a red LED (light emitting diode) on the left hand side of the keypad which is illuminating
when laser radiation is emitted.
During engraving, the LED flashes very fast and might be hardly seen by the eye. During cutting-
mode it is durable.
2.4.2 Audible
When starting up the laser engraver without closing the cover there is an intermittent beep. This
indicates that the interlock system has not been checked yet. (You can run the machine only if all
interlock switches are closed). Close the cover of the laser engraver to cause the machine to
On emitting a laser beam (which is called test pulse) by pressing the „Play/pause"- and "Stop"
button simultaneously there is a beep (as long as you keep the buttons pressed) to remind you of
the possible risks.
2.4.3 Safety
The laser safety standards require that any removable panels that could permit access to laser
energy include
laser safety labels. These labels are visible before and after opening a cover.
Labels with the name of the manufacturer, date of production, description of the product, model
number, serial number and safety labels are placed on the outside of the apparatus. All these
labels are mounted when producing the laser engraver. These labels must not be removed.
If the labels are lost or damaged please contact Trotec. Replacements will be sent to you. All
labels and their exact place is mentioned in the user manual.
The labeling meets the standards
21 CFR 1040 – Laser safety
IEC 60825-1(2007)