MT5 Multi-Tracer Operating Manual
page 53
with a conventional Ethernet cable. You should now be able to connect to the MT5
through your network using the network IP address provided by your network
administrator. Repeat the network test to confirm that the network connection is
functioning properly.
6.2. Testing Network Connection
To test the network connection, follow these steps:
1) Connect the MT5 Controller to AC power and turn on the MT5 controller power
2) Wait approximately 2 minutes to allow the MT5 Controller to complete its power
up sequence. Note: It is not necessary to have the MT5 Load Unit power on or
even connected.
3) Using a common web browser (Mozilla Firefox currently required), enter the
following URL into the browser address line. The exact IP address to use
depends on the current network settings of the MT5.
For example, if the MT5 IP address were enter the following URL into your
The web browser should immediately display the Multi-Tracer "Real-Time Data" page of
the MT5 System as shown in Figure 26. There will be data tables for modules,
temperatures, and aux inputs. Display of this page, confirms that you have a functioning
network connection to the MT5 System.