MT5 Multi-Tracer Operating Manual
page 31
4.3.3. Aux Input Scales
The “Aux Input Scales” page provides a method to label and define the scale of auxiliary
data values. For example, as shown below, auxiliary input ID 1 has been labeled
“Pyranometer 1”. It has been given a scale of 1000 to 0.0098362 V (9.8362 mV). This
means that if the auxiliary input 1 signal were 9.87 mV, the auxiliary data value would
scale such that the recorded value would be 1000.
Figure 17. Auxiliary input scales.
In this case, the signal comes from a pyranometer and the units would typically be in
watts per square-meter (W/M^2). However, the units field is only a text label and is only
informational. The units label has no effect on the conversion.
Another example, auxiliary input 2, Wind Speed, has converted units of 100 per 4.876
V. This could be either 100 miles-per-hour or 100 m/s at 4.876. The converted units
depend on the
constant applied. In this example, the units have been labeled “mph”.
The MT5 places no restriction on what the actual units are.
Do not be confused by that fact that there are two scaling values to enter
; “Converted”
and “Volts”. This is done for convenience. Often instruments are specified with an
output for a given input. For example, a pyranometer might have an output given as