Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd.
User Guide of RFL-C20000XZ
8.8 Authorization (time-limited locking)
8.8.1 Authorization on user mode
The authorization settings in user mode are shown in Figure 50. Laser can be locked and unlocked
by valid authorization code.
Figure 50 the authorization settings operating interface on user mode.
8.8.2 Authorization on authorization mode
The authorization settings in laser authorization mode are shown in Figure 51. This interface allows
the customer to lock and unlock the machine and can also be used as an authorization code generator.
a) The locking time setting can set the effective using time of laser.
b) The terminal password is set for the laser locking party. The terminal code can only be set once,
and no modification is allowed after its set. The terminal password is 8-byte hete, e.g.,
0123456789ABCDEF, no other characters are allowed.