Chapter 3: DX Series
Adjusting Dip Switches
There are two Normal settings for each CC channel on DX packages.
N.O (Normally Open): The open status of the connected
detector/switch is considered normal. An alarm is triggered when
the detector/switch turns closed.
N.C (Normally Closed): The closed status of the connected
detector/switch is considered normal. An alarm is triggered when
the detector/switch turns opened.
Each CC channel and the DX-PIR occupancy sensor's Normal setting is
configured by turning on or off its corresponding dip switch.
To adjust dip switches for CC channels:
N.O: Turn ON the dip switch by pressing it down.
N.C: Turn OFF the dip switch by pushing (or keeping) it up.
To adjust the dip switch for DX-PIR occupancy sensor:
Turn it OFF (up) when human absence is considered the normal
Turn it ON (down) when human presence is considered the normal