Remove the assembly from the table and place upside down on two sawhorses.
Rivet on the stringers starting 4 holes back from the front. This is needed to allow
the skin to slide together with the tail cone spacer strip and cockpit cage belly
skin. Do not rivet the longerons between Station 3 and Station 4. This is where
an extra stiffener angle, the Station 3 to Station 4 support will be installed and
where the tailcone slides over the tangs welded to the fuselage. Refer to
FIGURE 07-01
for rivet call outs.
Cleco the bulkheads to the bottom skin with all flanges pointing forward. The
bulkheads will hang below the bottom skin. Rivet the bulkheads to the bottom
skin. Refer to
FIGURE 07-01
for rivet call outs.
Place the tailcone side skins on the table mirrored to each other.
Refer to the PARTS MANUAL DRAWING for the tailcone side and top skin
assembly. Refer to
. Cleco a stringer stock piece to each skin.
Mark, remove, and trim to .25" from the center of the last hole on each end.
Cleco the trimmed stringers in place and rivet starting the fourth hole back from
the front.
Refer to
and cut the shorter forward stringer for the Top Skin.
Notice the AFT end will lap onto the bulkhead. Do NOT transfer drill the AFT pre-
drilled hole of the Stringer. Rather Transfer drill through the bulkhead after the
Top Skin is in place. Rivet as per the earlier installed Stringers.
Observe the side longerons. The aft end of the longeron has holes nearly all the
way to the end. The front end of the side longeron needs to be trimmed 4.2" from
the center of the forward most hole. After trimming, cleco the longeron to the side
skin. Do not rivet because the top tailcone skins also rivet to the side longeron.
With the bottom skin still upside down on the sawhorses, take a left or right side
skin and Cleco in place. Refer to
FIGURE 07-02
for rivet call outs and rivet the
side skin to the bottom longeron from Station 4 aft. Also, rivet side skins to
bulkheads from Station 4 aft. Neither side nor bottom longerons are riveted from
Station 3 to 4 until later when mating to the cage. The support angles and
Baggage Floor Supports are installed after the tailcone is mated to the cage.
After riveting the assembly flip right side up and place on the work table. Rivet
the other side skin to the assembly.