Specifically, the duration of each individual flight should be recorded including the
number of landings made.
A full description of any mishaps, however minor, or any experiences not entirely normal
that occur during the flight experience period should also be duly recorded.
Although not required, it is strongly recommended that all operating data be recorded
flight by flight. Such information as airspeeds, cylinder head temperatures, etc., will be
very valuable and may be used to determine or establish the various performance
figures and operating characteristics of the aircraft.
Although the FAA Inspector is required by law to apply certain basic restrictions
permanently to the amateur-built aircraft he is certificating, he can apply whatever other
limitations he deems necessary at his own discretion. Unfortunately, nothing in the
regulations states that the initial restrictions are required to be removed after successful
completion of the test period....they only may be modified.
After the mandatory flight test period....then what?
The Repairman’s Certificate is applied for using the application form 8610-2, available
from the local FAA offices. You should ask for this when you apply for your final
inspection on your aircraft. You should also be familiar with the Appendix D of FAR part
43. (Items included in the Annual Condition Inspection.)
Every twelve calendar months a condition inspection is performed in accordance with
Appendix D of FAR part 43. The repairman has to include the aircraft total time in
service, the name, the signature, and the certificate type number of the repairman or A
& P, who does the examination.
A & P mechanics must do the Annual Condition Inspection for those who are non-
builders who own an amateur-built aircraft. On those aircraft where the builder has a
Repairman’s Certificate, it is recommended that from time to time the Annual Condition
Inspection of those aircraft be done by an A & P simply as a check on the
builder/repairman’s work. One legal representative recommends that every other
Annual Condition Inspection for a builder holding a repairman’s certificate be done by
an A & P mechanic.