FAR 45.29 (b) (1) (i
ii) states “Marks at least 3" high may be displayed on an aircraft for
which an experimental certificate has been issued under 21.191 (d) or 21.191 (g) for
operating as an exhibition aircraft or as an amateur-built aircraft when the maximum
cruising speed of the aircraft does not exceed 180 knots Calibrated Air Speed (CAS).
And (c) characters must be two-
thirds as wide as they are high except “1" which must
be one-
sixth as wide as it is high and the letters “M” and “W” which may be as wide as
they are high. And (d), Characters must be formed by solid lines one-sixth as thick as
the character is high. (e) Spacing. The space between each character may not be less
than one-fourth of the character width.
(Reference FAR Part 45.11)
In add
ition to affixing the aircraft’s registration number to the sides of the fuselage,
the builder must also identify his aircraft by attaching an identification plate to the
aircraft’s structure.
This identification data required to be inscribed on the plate for amateur-built aircraft
shall include the following information:
a. Builder’s name and address
b. Model designation
c. Builder’s serial number
The identification plate containing these essential elements must be of fireproof
material and must be secured in such a manner that it will not likely be defaced or
removed during normal service, or lost or destroyed in an accident. It must be secured
to the aircraft at an accessible location near an entrance, except that if it is legible to a
person on the ground it may be located externally on the fuselage near the tail
The identification plate information must be marked thereon by etching, stamping,
engraving, or other acceptable fireproof marking.
Metal plates which comply with these requirements may be purchased from the
Experimental Aircraft Association for a very nominal fee.