EB200 Manual
Remote control
4052.2000.02 4.16
queries unit about identification.
The output of the unit can be:
is the serial number of the unit
is the version number of the firmware of the main processor (EB200P1)
is the ident number of the software for the main processor (EB200P1)
INDIVIDUAL STATUS QUERY states the contents of the IST flags in decimal form (0 | 1).
OPERATION COMPLETE sets the bit in the event-status register to 0 if all previous commands
were carried out. This bit can be used for triggering a service request (see "Status reporting system"
on page 127).
OPERATION COMPLETE QUERY writes the message ’1’ into the output buffer as soon as all
previous commands were carried out (see "Status reporting system" on page 127).
OPTION IDENTIFICATION QUERY queries about the options in the unit and outputs a list of
installed options. The options are separated by a comma.
Explanation for the output characters:
SU = internal IF panorama module
BP = Battery Pack
DS = RF Spectrum DIGI-Scan (software option)
ER = Expansion RAM
CM = Coverage Measurement (software option)
FS = Field Strength Measurement (software option)
Example of response from the unit: 0,BP,DS,ER,0,FS
*PRE 0 to 255
PARALLEL POLL ENABLE sets parallel poll enable register to the value indicated. Query *PRE?
returns the contents of the parallel poll enable register in decimal form.