EB200 Manual
4052.2000.02 3.35
E-7 Spectrum display NORM with squelch on
When the squelch is set on, the squelch line is displayed at a y-position corresponding to the squelch
value. Furthermore the function of the marker-to-peak softkey is extended so that every time the softkey
is pressed, the mark jumps to the next signal maximum above the squelch line, one after another. Spectrum display in STOP mode
If a spectrum was generated and displayed in the RUN mode and STOP is pressed then the current
spectrum will be frozen. The receiver sets the mark frequency. By pressing marker-to-peak softkey
there will be a jump to the next signal maximum which can be listened to. Spectrum display DIFF (differential mode)
Every time being in the RUN mode when there will be a change-over from NORM to DIFF, the last
spectrum will be internally stored as a reference spectrum and the differential display will be set on. For
this spectrum the last stored reference spectrum will be subtracted from the current one and the
resulting level lines will be displayed with correct signs. Thus new signals will be displayed as positive
and missing signals as negative level lines. The y-scaling is set to -/+ ½ of the RNG value regardless of
the RNG softkey setting. With squelch off, the marker-to-peak softkey lets the marker frequency jump to
the absolute level maximum. With squelch on, the marker frequency will jump to the next level
maximum with a positive deflection above 5 dB.