42. Once the back end screws are
tightly fastened into place, the
rubber Back End Cover can be
installed. There is a groove
formed by the Metal End Plate
and the Rear Handle. The lip of
the rubber Back End Cover tucks
into this groove. Begin on one
side of the belt hook and work
around the metal end cap until in
position. You may need to twist
the Back End Cover to fully seat.
43. Once the back end is fully
assembled, the front end can
then be reassembled. Refer to
the previous chapter or the
operator’s manual on how to
reassemble the front end. A
video is also available on front
end disassembly as well as
assembly at the Ramset
YouTube channel.
44. After the tool is fully assembled,
the tool should be function
checked to be sure of proper
operation. If the function check is
successful, it is recommended to
fire the tool 10 times with a live
load and fasteners, before
placing the tool back into service.