Additional Features Accessible with the
DCS Remote Control System:
Whileconventional mode operation of a Proto-Sound 2.0 engine yields wonderfully
realistic sound andseveral train control features, command mode operation allows the
user toaccessaworldofcommandfunctionsneverbeforeaccessibletoO Gauge
railroaders. WiththeadditionoftheDCSRemoteControlSystem(includingaDCS
remote handheld and TrackInterface Unit) users gain manyadvancedfeatures, including:
DCS Proto-Speed Control - Establishes desired locomotivespeedinscalemilesper
hourincrements via a thumbwheel control and allows operator to setmaximum
speed andacceleration/deceleration rates
ProtoSmoke Variable Output Control - Controls how muchsmokeeachengine
outputs and matches smoke to locomotive speed
Locomotive Lighting Control - Controls locomotive headlights, marker and interior
Emergency Stop-Single button push stops all Proto-Sound2.0trainsbutdoesnot
OneTouch GlobalMute/UnMute-Single button mutes or unmutes all DCS-
controlled locomotives' user-defined actions, including sound, lights, and smoke
Proto-Dispatch Operation-PublicAddress-like feature allows users to speak through
locomotivespeaker during operation
Proto-Cast-Allows userstoplayaudiorecordingsthroughlocomotivespeaker during
Proto-Doppler Sound Effects Set Up-Users can configurelocomotiveforDoppler
Operation, including settingdistancepoints for Doppler start,repeat, andstopmodes
Independent Volume Control of Engine Sounds,Bell, Horn & Whistle for each
Control upto50differentDCS-EquippedLocomotives atonetimewithmultiple
Proto-Effects™ Set Up-User can select individual Proto-Effects™operations to be
active or inactive,including cab chatter, train wreck sounds, coupler sounds, and
wheel clickety-clack sounds
Direction Control SetUp-User cansetinitialindividual start-up direction(startin
forward or reverse) for double-heading operations
Locomotive Consist Set-up-User can determine locomotive values for consist make-
ups,allowingmultiple locomotives belonging to a consist to operate together
Query Locomotive Information-User can query locomotive programming to learn
locomotive address and engine data information, including scale miles traveled
UserCanQue ry,SetandOperateTrackandAccessoryInterfaceUnitsfor
Programming DigitalCommand Operations for up to250Accessories and250
Individual Switches
Operating instructions for all DCS Command features will accompany the DCSremote
control equipment.
RailKing 4-8-4 BantamDaylight Steam Passenger Set with Proto-Sound® 2.0