Vertical Resolution:
14 bits with 170 dots displayed
Vertical Sensitivity:
Greater than 56dB
Maximum Range:
63,700 ft (19.4 km) at 99% VOP
38,600 ft (11.7 km) at 60% VOP
Range varies with VOP. Maximum testable cable lengths
varies with pulse width and cable type.
Waveform Storage: (6144 samples/waveform)
Standard: 4 SUPER-STORE waveforms
Optional: 16 SUPER-STORE waveforms
Software Noise Filters:
Standard: 8x, 50/60 Hz, Auto
Optional: 4x, 16x, 32x, 64x, 128x Averaging
Input Protection:
400 V (AC+DC) from DC to 400 Hz, decreasing to 10 V
at 1 MHz
Velocity of Propagation:
Two user-selectable display formats
VOP (%) with 2 digit precision ranging from 30% to 99%
V/2 with 3 digit precision (feet or meters per microsecond)
ranging from 45 to 148 in meters mode or from 148 to
487 in feet mode
Standard Accessories:
Operator’s manual, 12 VAC charger, padded carrying case,
Two banana jack test leads
Optional Accessories:
Extended waveform storage
Extended noise filters
Extended warranty
16 SUPER-STORE waveforms
50/60 Hz, Auto
4x, 8x,16x, 32x, 64x, 128x Averaging
Software Noise Filters: