Live - Stored
Difference between live and stored
Stored (recall) waveform
Display Mode Loops
Line 1
Line 2
Line 1 & Stored
Line 1 & Line 2
Line 2 & Stored
Line 1 - Stored
Line 1 - Line 2
Line 2 - Stored
Line 1
Line 2
2.3.4 Intermittent Fault Detection (IFD) Mode
IFD detects and displays intermittent faults, whether they
are opens or shorts. Some TDRs have a similar feature;
however, if the waveform is repositioned, the intermittent
fault function is interrupted and the process must be started
over. The Model 3300’s IFD retains the waveform trace.
The waveform can be adjusted, repositioned, zoomed in
and out, and the cursors moved, without affecting the IFD
function. The Model 3300 will monitor the cable, waiting
for an intermittent fault to occur.
Upon entering the intermittent fault mode:
The LCD’s waveform area displays and saves the
maximum and minimum reflections of the wave-
form trace. The auto-off 10 minute timer is disabled
so the instrument does not turn off in the middle of
the test.
The IFD waveform area stores waveform changes. If an
open or short occurs, the instrument will keep the fault
trace displayed against the live waveform. This function
allows the user to find intermittent problems.
The operator can adjust the waveform with the horizontal
position controls, increase or decrease the vertical gain,
zoom in or out, and move the cursors. When zooming dur-