culated and displayed. Distance is determined from the cur-
sor placement on the waveform. Therefore, the accuracy
of the cursor placement is crucial for accurate readings.
For greatest accuracy, place Cursor 1 at the "0" distance
marker and Cursor 2 at the leading edge of the reflected
To set the cursors manually, zoom in on the first cursor
using HORIZONTAL ZOOM. Set the first cursor by us-
ing the 1st cursor left and right arrows to the “0” distance
marker on the waveform. To set the second cursor, zoom
in on the point of interest and use the 2nd cursor left and
right arrows to move the second cursor to the leading edge
of the reflection. For the most accurate distance reading,
always zoom in on the reflected pulse and adjust cursor
placement manually.
The distance between the cursors is displayed on the LCD.
Remember that the distance measurement is not from the
transmitted pulse, but from the first cursor to the second
cursor. Accuracy of the distance reading is dependent on
the placement of the cursors and an accurate VOP.
2.3.3 Display Modes
There are a number of different display modes to choose
from. Using the pop-up menu, scroll to “Mode” and use
the icon keys to cycle to the desired display mode.
Display Mode
Line 1
Live waveform from Line 1 input
Line 2
Live waveform from Line 2 input
Line 1 & Line 2
Two live waveforms simultaneously
Line 1 - Line 2
Difference between Line 1 and 2
Crosstalk mode (Line 1 transmits,
Line 2 receives)
Intermittent Fault Detection mode
Live & Stored
Live and stored (recall) waveform