2.3.11 Charging the Batteries
The Model 3300 is powered by a rechargeable battery pack
contained within the instrument. The Model 3300 is shipped
from the factory with a full charge and will operate ap-
proximately 10 hours between charges.
When the battery supply has been depleted and the batter-
ies need to be recharged, plug the external battery charger
into the charger socket and into any common AC outlet.
The front panel green LED will light to indicate the batter-
ies are being charged. The LED indicator will stay illumi-
nated while the charger is plugged in.
The Model 3300 has a built-in, current-limiting circuit
which limits battery charge current. As the batteries ap-
proach maximum charge, the charging rate is decreased.
Do not leave the batteries charging for long periods of time;
their useful life will be shortened. The Model 3300 can be
charged with either an AC or DC power source with cor-
rect voltage and current specifications.
The Model 3300 will operate while charging as long as the
battery level indicator is above a quarter charge. Allow at
least 16 hours charging time for the batteries to cycle from
a completely discharged state to a fully charged state.
Note: The Model 3300 may also be charged using
an optional 12 volt cigarette lighter adapter.
2.3.12 RS-232 Interface
Model 3300 includes an RS-232 Interface Connector for
serial printing. The default serial print device is a Citizen
PN60 using the Epson LQ860 emulation format.