Chapter 6: Setting The Alarm Levels
The Set Alarm Levels Screen
Figure 6(1)
The Set Alarm Levels Screen is used to set the levels at which the
three alarms are triggered. From the Calibration Settings screen,
tap the “Alarms…” button to open the Set Alarm Levels Screen.
Tap the radio button next to the alarm type to be set. Use the
keypad to enter the desired Alarm Level. Any value, including
fractional, may be entered. The modified Alarm Level(s) will not
be applied until the “Set” button is tapped, at which point the
display will return to the Calibration Settings screen. Tap the “Back…” button instead to cancel any modified
value(s) and return to the Calibration Settings screen.
The Fail alarm sets the level below which an instrument failure is indicated. The Low Alarm is intended for use
as a warning level, and the High Alarm is intended as a true level of interest.
The units used for the Alarm levels are determined by the Base Unit setting. If the Base Unit is changed the
alarm settings will not be corrected. For example, if an alarm level of 100 mR/h is set and then the base unit is
changed to µR/h, the actual applied alarm value will become 100 µR/h.
Setting any Alarm Level to zero will disable that alarm.
NOTE: If you change the unit of measurement, you will need to reset your alarms with the current unit of
The Set Indicators Screen
Figure 6(2)
The Set Indicators screen is used to set which annunciators are associated with the three alarms. From the
Calibration Settings screen, tap the “Indicators…” button to open
the Set Indicators screen.
For each alarm type, tap the associated radio buttons to trigger
one of three relays (accessible through the DB9-M connector on
the bottom of the Area Monitor), utilize the strobe light on the
front of the Area Monitor, and to set the siren to sound fully,
use an intermittent pattern (1 second on, 1 second off), or be
The modified Alarm Indicators will not be applied until the “Set” button is tapped, at which point the display
will return to the Calibration Settings screen. Tap the “Back…” button instead to cancel any modified value(s)
and return to the Calibration Settings screen.
For information about setting up text and email alerts for your alarms, please refer to the “How to Send Alerts
Via Email and Text Message” section on page 12 of Chapter 8.
Figure 6(1)
Figure 6(2)