Hardware Alerts
To set the Hardware Alert, in the main window of the Area Monitor Server Software, click on the View menu
and select “Calibration and Settings”. From the Calibration and Settings window, click the “Hardware Alert
Settings” to open the “Area Monitor Alerts” window.
Where as the “Software Alert Rules” enable you to
setup a number of alert rules, the hardware “Area
Monitor Alerts” enables you to configure a single
alert rule that will be sent via the Area Monitor.
However, unlike the “Software Alert Rules”, the
Hardware Alerts do not require that the Area
Monitor Server Software be running to send them.
All that is required is for the Area Monitor to be
plugged into your network and provided with
internet access.
Setting Up To Send An Alert
1) Select the alert warnings for which you would
like to recieve alerts under “When Monitor Chages
Status To” by clicking the coresponding check box.
2) In the “Send Emails To: text box, enter the email address(es) you would like to recieve the notifications. If
you would like to send a text instead of an email, use an SMS to email gateway.
(For more information on SMS
to email gateways, please refer to Appendix D on page 21.)
3) By default, the Area Monitor Server Software uses the S.E. International
mail servers to send an alert from [email protected]. If you
would like to configure the alerts to use your own email server, click
“Configure Alert Sender” and enter the appropriate settings for your email