The Area Monitor Calibration Screens
The Radiation Alert® Area Monitor has five separate screens for
calibration of the detector in use with the unit. Each of these
can be accessed via the Calibration Settings Screen: The Set High
Voltage Screen, The Set Threshold Screen, The Set Dead Time
Screen, and The Set Cal Constant Screen.
Accessing The Calibration Settings Screen
Figure 4(2)
All calibration settings can be modified directly on the Area
Monitor without requiring the use of the Area Monitor PC
software. To enter the calibration and settings screen, use a
paper clip or other small object to press the recessed button on
the underside of the Area Monitor. This will cause the Passkey
Screen to display.
Figure 4(1)
Enter the passkey (default is 1234) then press the “Set” button.
If the passkey is correct, the Calibration Settings screen will be
displayed. (Note: the passkey can only be changed using the
software, with the Area Monitor connected to the PC through the
USB or Ethernet ports.)
Figure 4(2)
The Set High Voltage Screen
Figure 4(3)
From the Calibration Settings screen, tap the “High Voltage…”
button to open the Set High Voltage screen.
Use the keypad to enter the desired high voltage. Any values,
including fractional, may be entered. The modified high voltage
setting will not be applied until the “Set” button is tapped, at
which point the display will return to the Calibration Settings
screen. Tap the “Back…” button instead to cancel any modified
value and return to the Calibration Settings screen.
Chapter 9: Calibration Settings
Figure 4(1)
Figure 4(2)
Figure 4(3)