Radiation Warning (Low Alarm on the Touch Screen)
The Radiation Warning is the low alarm threshold. When the rate gets above the set Radiation Warning, the
unit will respond with the settings used in the Set Alarm Indicators.
Critical Radiation Alert (High Alarm on the Touch Screen)
The Critical Radiation Warning is the high alarm threshold. When the rate gets above the set High Alarm, the
unit will respond with the settings in the Set Alarm Indicators.
Lost Communication
In the event that the area monitor has lost connection with the network and/or the area monitor server for a
period of 10 seconds, the Lost Connection in the status window will appear.
How to Send Alerts Via Email and Text Message
The Radiation Alert® Area Monitor has the ability to send alert messages via text or email in the event an alert
is triggered. There are two different forms of alert settings. One for the software, which requires the software
to be running on the computer connected to the Area Monitor. And one for the hardware, which programs
the alert notifications to be sent directly into the Area Monitor itself, which does not require the software to
be running at the time of the alert. Both require that the Area Monitor be connected to the network and have
access to the internet.
Software Alerts
To set the Software Alert, in the main window of the Area Monitor Server Software, click on the View menu
and select “Software Alert Rules”. This will open the Alert Rules window. The Alert Rules window enables the
user to set up different responses to different alert levels and direct the notification to the appropriate person.
By default, the first Rule Name is titled “Send Alert”, however, you can
change the Rule Name to your desired setting.
Setting Up To Send An Alert
1) The “When Monitors” field will list all of the Area Monitors connected to
the server software. Select the Area Monitors that you would like to set up
to send alerts.
2) Select the alert warnings for which
you would like to recieve alerts under
“Change Status To:”
3) Enter the email address(es) you
would like to recieve the notifications. If you would like to send a text
instead of an email, use an SMS to email gateway.
(For more information
on SMS to email gateways, please refer to Appendix D on page 21.)
4) By default, the Area Monitor Server Software uses the S.E.
International mail servers to send an alert from AreaMonitorAlert@
seintl.com. If you would like to configure the alerts to use your own
email server, click “Configure Alert Sender” and enter the appropriate
settings for your email server.