Help Menu
Open Help File
Opens a searchable help file for answering basic questions about the use of the software.
About RSA Area Monitor Server Software
Opens a window that shows the version number of the software, technical support contact, and the location of
the files on your computer that are created when each new area monitor is added or changed in the software.
View Detail Window
The View Detail Window displays a histogram of the
collected data, the current count rate, the status of
the connection, the serial number, and the IP address
of the unit. It is also used as a means of collecting
data, setting the data logging frequency, and exporting
the data received from the area monitor to a text file.
You can also select how frequently to log the data in
the Data Options menu, located in the lower right
corner of the View Detail screen.
Exporting Data
You can select the last hour, the last day, the last week, or the last month to export, as well as custom date
ranges to export. Exporting data is located at the bottom of the View Detail screen just below the data options.
Loading a Floor Plan
To load an image of your floor plan into the Area Monitor Server
Software, open View > Floor Plan to open the floor plan window.
Click the Load Floor Plan Image button, select the image of your
floor plan, and click Open.
You will now see your floor plan image in the floor plan window.
There will also be green square icons (connected area monitors) or
purple square icons (lost connection) that represent each monitor
on the network. To drag them to the proper position on the floor
plan map, scroll over the small box in the upper left corner of each
icon and hold down the mouse button to drag them to the desired
position on the floor plan map. Once you have placed them where
you want them on the floor plan, check the Lock Monitor Locations
check box in the upper left of the Floor Plan window. This will
ensure that the locations of the area monitors on the floor plan
map will not be moved accidentally.