This information refers to the Radcliffe Shadow4 Wheelbase. You should refer to the
Seating System manufacturer for specific transport restraint system advice for the chair
occupant. It is
that the Wheelbase is restrained for transporting. A headrest
should be fitted to the seating system and if a tray is fitted it should be removed. The
Shadow wheelbase is intended to be transported in a forward facing position. The
Radcliffe Shadow wheelbase has been tested to and meets the requirements of the
Simulated Crash Test ISO/CD 7176/19-1 (draft).
The vehicle 3 point passenger restraint system provides maximum restraint for the passen-
ger when the seating system is in the upright position. Providing the User can sit in an
upright position, the wheelbase
should always be moved to the upright
(no tilt) position
whilst travelling in a vehicle.
17.1 Use and Fitting of Tilt Restriction Block
The Radcliffe tilt restriction block is used to reduce the loading on the gas strut when the
wheelbase is frequently transported, or when the User and the Seating System combined
weight might overload the strut when transported. It is more likely to be fitted if a tilt is
required during transporting. You can identify if a block is fitted by looking at the front
cross bar of the wheelbase, see picture. If fitted the following should be undertaken,
and we suggest this is carried out before the Shadow wheelbase is loaded into the vehi-
. Loosen the black screw on the underside of the block (as above marked A) and slide
it to the left (as you are facing the wheelbase) until it is in front of the bell crank adjust-
ment (as above marked B - you may have to tilt the wheelchair slightly back to allow for
this to happen).
Secure the block by tightening the black screw on the underside of the block.
Bring the wheelbase to upright as far as the block will allow
After the journey is complete (and to allow full use of the tilt mechanism) tilt the wheel-
chair back, loosen the screw on the underside of the block and slide to the middle of
the cross bar and re-tighten the screw
Return the wheelbase to the correct angle of tilt for the user.
If the User requires the Shadow wheelbase in a fixed tilt position, there may be no
need to undertake point 4 & 5, if the Tilt restriction block provides that correct angle.
User/Carer Handbook
Please note the wheelbase requires the weight of the seat
and occupant,
to move smoothly through the tilt positions.
Ensure both of the brakes are on.
Depress the central gas strut pedal and push down on the push handles.
When you have reached the required tilt position take your foot off the
gas strut pedal.
Note 1
When operating the Wheelbase with lighter clients, extra care must be
when using the tilt mechanism and some downward pressure on the push
handles may be needed to prevent sudden movement.
Note 2
Proceed with caution if you are raising the tilt mechanism without the
occupant in the seat. To avoid sudden movement depress the gas strut pedal
Note 3
The gas struts must be set for the correct total weight - that is the weight of the
occupant, plus the weight of the seat, equals the total weight. Your Wheelchair
Centre is responsible for setting the gas struts. If there is a marked change in the
user weight - or a change of user, please check with your Wheelchair Centre
that the gas struts are set correctly and if necessary, arrange for them to be reset.
Under no circumstances should the gas struts be adjusted by anyone other
than an approved representative of the Wheelchair Centre
Standard Fitted With Two 500N Gas Struts
Setting: Total Weight up to:
Setting 1 32kg
Setting 2 51kg - (Factory Setting)
Setting 3 70kg - (Max Setting for 15” Wheelbase)
Setting 4 95.5kg
Optional reinforced With Two 1000N Gas Struts
Recommended Settings for TOTAL weight
(Note occupant plus seat = total weight):
Setting: Total Weight up to:
Setting 1 60kg
Setting 2 95kg
Setting 3 125kg - (Max Setting for 18” Wheelbase)
5.1 Storage of Wheelbase
If the wheelbase is being left for longer than 1 month, store in a semi tilted position and
ensure wheelbase is moved through the tilt positions a number of times every 2 weeks.
Failure to do this
result in the gas strut becoming locked and damaged.
WARNING 1 !!!!
Under no circumstances should the gas strut pedal be depressed to
unlock the gas struts without the seating system and the occupant sitting securely in the
WARNING 2 !!!!
Under no circumstances should the gas struts be adjusted by anyone
other than an approved representative of the Wheelchair Centre.