User Manual 3162A/B
Using The Instrument 3-6
offset, delay, high time, rise time, and fall time parameters. The default
settings for these parameters are: 1MHz, 2Vp-p, 0V, 0%, 10%, 10% and 10%.
The command:
APPLy:RAMP {<frequency>,<amplitude>,<offset>,<delay>,
programs the generator to output a ramp waveform with frequency, amplitude,
offset, delay, rise time, and fall time parameters. The default settings for these
parameters are: 1MHz, 2Vp-p, 0V, 0%, 10% and 10%.
The command:
APPLy:SINC {<frequency>,<amplitude>,<offset>,<number_cycles>}
programs the generator to output a sine(x)/x waveform with frequency,
amplitude, offset, and number of cycles parameters. The default settings for
these parameters are: 1MHz, 2Vp-p, 0V and 10.
The command:
APPLy:EXPonential <frequency>,<amplitude>,<offset>,<exponent>}
programs the generator to output an exponential waveform with frequency,
amplitude, offset, and exponent parameters. The default settings for these
parameters are: 1MHz, 2Vp-p, 0V and -10.
The command:
APPLy:GAUSsian {<frequency>,<amplitude>,<offset>,<exponent>}
programs the generator to output a gaussian waveform with frequency,
amplitude, offset, and exponent parameters. The default settings for these
parameters are: 1MHz, 2Vp-p, 0V and 10.
The command:
APPLy:DC {<percent_amplitude>}
programs the generator to output a DC level. The DC level is set as a percent
of programmed amplitude. The default setting for this function is 100%.
The command:
programs the generator to output an arbitrary waveform. The specified segment
number must be loaded with an arbitrary waveform before the generator can
execute this command successfully. This command lets you specify segment
number, sampling clock rate, amplitude and offset. The default settings for
these parameters are: 1, 1MHz, 2Vp-p and 0V.
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