User Manual 3162A/B
Using The Instrument 3-4
| offset | + Vp-p
/* Turn on channel A main output. */
/* Turn on the SYNC output, if required. */
If the above commands are executed correctly, a square waveform will be seen
on your oscilloscope at the channel A output connector.
So far, there was no need to specify which of the channels is receiving
commands for two reasons: 1) channel A is the default channel and 2) the
frequency parameter is common to both channels. Common parameters affect
the two channels the same way. For example, changing the frequency for
channel A will automatically change the frequency for channel B. This example
will now continue with programming the channel B parameters.
/* The following command changes control to the B channel. */
:INSTrument:SELect B;
/* Change channel B amplitude to 1V and the offset to 0.5V. */
:VOLTage 1;
:VOLTage: OFFSet 0.5;
/* Turn on channel B main output. */
/* Turn on the SYNC output, if required. */
If the above commands are executed correctly, a square waveform will be seen
on your oscilloscope at channel B output connector.
Using the APPLy
The APPLy command provides a high level method of programming the
generator. Selection can be made for function, frequency, amplitude, offset and
other parameters which are associated with the applied function. For example,
the following statement outputs a 2Vp-p square wave at 1 MHz with a 0V offset
and 10% duty cycle using APPLy:
APPL:SQU 1E6, 2, 0, 10
It is not necessary to enter every parameter with the APPLy command. If only
the frequency and offset need to be changed, omit the other parameters while
keeping the commas. The other parameters will be set to the power-up default
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