1269 User Manual
Using The Enhanced Monitoring System 4-18
The final step for enabling out-of-tolerance conditions to
generate an interrupt is to enable bit 3 of the Status Byte to
generate an interrupt. The IEEE-488.2 “*SRE” command is
used to enable bits of the Status Byte to generate an interrupt.
Thus, if bit 3 of the “SRE Register” value is set, then an
interrupt will be generated by the EMS when bit 3 of the Status
Byte becomes set.
The following example enables bit 3 and bit 0 of the Status
Byte. When either of the bits transition from a 0 to a 1, an
interrupt will be generated:
*SRE 9
Clearing The Filter
Service Alarm
The EMS maintains a “power-on” clock. This clock counts
each second that the mainframe power switch is turned to the
ON state. This clock is used to determine both the cumulative
power-on time and the power-on time which has elapsed since
the last time the filter was cleaned.
The time interval for cleaning the filter is set using the
“SENSE:TIME3:RANGE:UPPER” command. This command
sets the number of seconds which must elapse the mainframe
power ON before the Filter Service Alarm is generated.
The number of seconds which has elapsed (with the mainframe
power on) since the last filter service may be read using the
“MEAS:TIME3?” command. This command calculates the
difference between the present value of the “power-on” clock
and a reference time stored in an EEPROM on the EMS.
After the “SENSE:TIME3:RANGE:UPPER” time has elapsed,
the Filter Service Alarm is generated. This alarm will set bit 2
of the Questionable Time Condition and Event Registers (see
Table 4-5
). These registers may be read using the
“STATUS:QUES:TIME:EVENT?” queries, respectively. Bit 2 of
the Questionable Time Event register will be cleared the first
time ”STATUS:QUES:TIME:EVENT?” query is executed. Bit 2
of the Questionable Time Condition register will remain set as
long as the Filter Service Alarm is active.
The Filter Service Alarm may be cleared by executing the
“SENSE:TIME3:CLEAR” command. This command stores the
present value of the “power-on” clock as the reference time
used to calculate the elapsed filter service time. Thus, if the
“SENSE:TIME3:CLEAR” command is followed immediately by
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