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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 01/02/22
5. Software Introduction
5.1 Application
is an application based on documents, each document (file) represents
a RDS system and contains all information relating to it.
You can open multiple documents and communicate with several devices
simultaneously, provided that each works towards a different serial, or you can
have multiple devices on same serial port, provided that only one at a time is
allowed to send. If you try to transfer data towards two devices, on the same serial,
the second window will not connect while the first will attempt to configure both
devices, creating conflicts.
The application communicates in UDP from version 1.X.2.0, towards a selected
address in the “Communication-> RS232” (IP + PORT) POP-UP. Only one of the
open windows can use UDP communication instead of RS232 communication.
5.2 RDS Devices
This section contains information on how RDS is structured.
The data contained in
is continuously transmits from each device.
To activate the DNS see special section “
Enabling DNS-PSN
Each DNS contains the
or PSN-1 all RADIO’s data that is transmitting,
PI and PS are required in these data otherwise the radio receiver can not use the
RDS data. In addition to the PSN-1 are available 7 other PSN called
“EON-1 …
that user can decide to enable and use if it has the “Friends Radio” on
which move the tuning when the radio signal becomes too low.
In addition, each DNS contains one or more lists of
alternative frequencies
are used to tune the car radio when you move from an area covered by a frequency
to another. Also for friends broadcasters is possible to define pairs of frequencies
that enable the radio receiver to change tuning.
Each DNS contains a buffer that can accommodate up to 16 message of “Radio
Text” , each long up to 64 characters that can be read by radio enabled (typically
likes fixed receivers, and not by the car radio).
The users who wish to have different data during specific times of day can enable
time management of DNS
by loading data from other DNS enabled up to a
maximum of 5 or 6 DNS depending on apparatus. The devices based on BIOS
TRAxxxx have 6 DNS while other units have only 5 DNS.