PJ3500M-C & PJ5000U-K
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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 05/04/13
7.2.4 PS-RF Interface Board
This interface board is installed at the back of the amplifier for collecting the main
signals of the machine and making them available on the connectors. This interface
is connected to the three rectifiers, the CPU, the fans, the transformer from which
it receives the signals and to which it issues commands.
This interface card is designed to make the PS part communicate with the RF
part and making available the dedicated signals at the specific connector for each
7.2.5 LEDs Board
Three LEDs are present on this board for indicating the operating status of the
three power supply modules.
The lighting up of a LED indicates a malfunction in the associated module.
7.2.6 CPU
This subsystem is made up of three cards: the CPU card, the display card and
the analog card.
The CPU subsystem implements all the software functions (measurements,
protection, control, data display, communications) outlined in the previous
This card carries the signals to the DB25 telemetry connector that is on the
machine’s back panel. The connector is fitted with 7 analog outputs, 8 open-
collector digital outputs and 4 digital inputs. It also manages the DB9 signals
associated with the RS232 connector, for interfacing with other equipment and for
the default programming functions, and the DB9 connector for communications
in I
C standard.
7.3 RF Section
7 .3.1 RF Power Amplifier
The RF power amplifying section consists in 8 (mod.
) or 6 (mod.
power modules coupled by a Wilkinson splitter and combiner and
implemented in strip-line technology.
The RF modules, the splitter and the combiner are housed inside the top part of
the equipment.
RF power amplifier section is made with several power amplifier modules combined
through a Wilkinson splitter and a Wilkinson combiner in strip-line technology.