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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 05/04/13
PJ3500M-C & PJ5000U-K
8. “Low-Drive Power” Option (/LD)
The figure shown the top view of RF section of the equipment with LD option. The
board comes described in the continuation of this chapter.
Figure 8-1: “Low-Drive power” Board
8.1 “Low-Drive power” Board
The “Low-Drive power” board contains an RF amplifier with only one stage that,
with a power of about 1W, can supply an output power of approximately 30W
suitable to pilot the amplifier, with a total gain of approximately 15dB.
The active device utilized in the amplifier modules is a Mosfet (BLF177) and uses for
the feeding the same voltage of 50VDC used from the RF amplifiers modules.
On the output stage of this board is present a directional coupler that measure the
reflected and forward power; the latest comes acquired from the control software
that represents it legible like input power.
The board is mounted on the fin that supplies to its cooling through forced