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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 26/03/04
4. General Description
The HC5-10, produced by R.V.R. Elettronica, is a hybrid coupler at 5 way that allows
to join up to 5 R.F. power amplifier. Its function is to split the RF signal coming from a
RF exciter, adjusting the relative phases, to pass them through five external RF power
amplifiers and then to combine the output of the amplifiers into a single RF amplified
signal to be forwarded to the antenna output.
The HC5-10 is produced in the version for five transmitters of 2 kW max output power
everyone (for example PJ2000M-C), for a total nominal power of 10 kW.
Amplifier #4
Amplifier #5
Amplifier #2
Amplifier #1
Amplifier #3
The nominal working principle of a FM transmitter based on a hybrid coupler scheme
like HC5-10, foresees that the used amplifiers shall produce the same RF power
that will be added with the same phase. Possible differences in the power level or
phase of the amplifiers generate the so-called unbalancement power that is in part
dissipated inside the coupler. The HC5-10 guarantees the overall working of the
transmitter even if one of the amplifiers is completely off-service. In such case, the
power generated by the surviving amplifier is routed to the antenna anyway; the other
part of the delivered power (that is unbalancement power) is dissipated inside the
The HC5-10 is controlled by a microcontroller system, that includes a LCD display
and a series of keys for the interaction with the user, that realizes the following functions:
Measurement and visualization of the coupler’s working parameters
Activation and deactivation of the power output of the system
Protection of the coupler with respect to potentially dangerous situations like
exceeding emitted or unbalancement power, overdrive or overtemperature
Detection of user-settable attention thresholds (e.g. output power being below a
certain value), that are made externally available as digital states on the "telemetry"
Communications with external devices