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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 26/03/04
The result of this command is that when the HC5-10 is put in OFF mode, the inner
conductor of the “Alarm” connector is shorted to ground, so that the exciter is put in
stand-by mode (this will happen only if provided with an interlock connector, and if
correctly connected with the hybrid coupler). At the same time, the auxiliary mains
output is opened, so that if an exciter is connected to it, il will be shut off.
Whe the hybrid coupler is switched OFF, the software waits a few minutes to permit
the proper cooling of the device, and then sends a signal to the relays of the blowers
to turn them off too.
Each two hours, while the machine is OFF, the software enables the blowers for a
while to dissipate the heat generated by the circuitry and to avoid possible
malfunctions of the blowers due to long inactivity periods.
Switching ON again the hybrid coupler, the interlock circuit is opened, reenabling the
power emission in the connected exciter, the auxiliary mains plug supply is powered
and the blowers are restarted.
Power menu (Pwr)
This multi-line scrollable menu allows the user to read all the measurements related
to the behaviour of the power section of the combiner:
Forward Power (Fwd Pwr)
Reflected Power (Rfl Pwr)
Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) (Not active)
Input Power (Inp Pwr)
Reject SWR (Rej SWR)
Depending on the configuration of the machine, some of the measures could be
The complete aspect of the screen is the following figure (please note that only two
lines at a time are visible, use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll):