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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 26/03/04
Risks for the personnel
The system HC5-10 with PJ2000M-C amplifiers could also work when one or
more amplifiers have been physically removed from the system.
For the same nature of the type of combiner, the transmitter in RF power it is
possible [potenzialmente] effect the removal of an apparatus maintaining in
operation the transmitter in RF power, without generated signals come of
overloaded that interrupts the functioning of it. Because the physical removal
of an amplifier happens through the [maneggiamento] of the connectors of
RF power connected to the amplifier, the operator should handle points where
it is present RF energy that doesn't come interrupted from circuits of
For the nature of the adopted combiner type , the removal of an apparatus is
potentially possible maintaining in function the transmitter in RF power,
without that come generated signals of overload that interrupts the operation.
Because the physical removal of an amplifier happens through the handling
of the RF power connectors connects to the amplifier, the operator would
have handle points where is present RF energy that does not come
interrupted from protection circuits.
In theory the values of RF power in these points are low, but for effect of the
maladjustment of RF impedance that the handling could cause, the power in
the connectors could go up until to very dangerous values.
These operations, therefore, are to AVOID ABSOLUTELY !
This chapter describes the way the microprocessor system controls the hybrid
coupler, and how the user can interact with it.
Note that the user can give commands to the device only when it's set in LOCAL
mode using the switch on the front panel. Otherwise, the user will only be allowed to
read the parameters, but not to change any of them.
The management of the HC5-10 is performed by a generic software used in different
classes of equipment produced by R.V.R. Elettronica SpA, like the HC combiners or
the RF amplifiers PJ500M-C and PJ1000M.
For this reason, some options that are related to other kinds of devices are deactivated
in the software version that is installed in the HC5-10 (see for example the P.A. menu).
Note that some of the parameters that are measured and can be read may be, in
some circumstances, not available. This situation mostly arises when, for physical
reasons, the measured values are not significant to be used in the control software.