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User Manual
Rev. 1.0 - 26/03/04
On each PJ2000M-C amplifier are been switched on the two green LEDs with
"ON" label. When the apparatus is adjusted up to 10KW RF output, it could be
alight the yellow LED with indication "Fold Back" too. The yellow LED with "Local"
indication it must be not alight, it is previewed of norm that the amplifiers
apparatuses are always set in "Remote."
General norms of di funzionamento con PJ2000M-C
The normal functioning of the HC5-10 system with PJ2000M-C foresees that the five
amplifiers apparatuses are working with equal output powers and electrical phase of
their signals equalized to the input of the combiner.
Each PJ2000M-C amplifier disposes of power regulation practicable through a
trimmer present on the frontal panel of the RF section. This regulation must be set for
the maximum of the amplifier power adjusting the trimmer completely in clockwise
sense. The equalization of the power of each amplifier comes obtained for effect of
the regulator that it is present on the HC5-10, (trimmer labelled "Power Adjust").
The system is able to distributing a power up to 10KW RF guaranteed in output, but
it has been projected in a such way for work to lower power with an acceptable
electrical efficiency. Each power of output programmed requires a different excitation
In order to use completely the potentialities of the system, it is necessary to make
reference to this small trick: the excitation of RF input must be greater of that it allows
to obtain the regime RF power, this surplus of power must be such to obtain an
output power increased of the quantity described in the following table.
Values table of output power surplus for every regime power value programmed.
Output Power
Output Power Surplus
10kW 400W
8kW 800W
6kW 1000W
5kW 1500W
4kW 2000W
3kW 2000W
The system could be adjusted without danger of damages also with an excitation
power scarcely efficiency to obtain the power final programmed (then without surplus),
in this case it is reduced the stability of the RF power output, and is obtained an
electrical efficiency not optimal for lower powers than 10KW.
The electrical phase regulation of the signals of the combined amplifiers, allows to
obtain a heavy reduction of the RF power wasted on the absorbers resistors. This
operation gives the best results if it comes effected when the apparatuses are been
adjusted to the regime power programmed from the regulator located on the frontal
panel of the HC5-10 (Power Adjust).