RDX 8000 User Guide
Figure 34 — RDX 8000 Configure Date/Time
Date/Time Format
The Date/Time Format tab allows the user to set the display format of the date and time zone independently.
The date setting supports the following formats;
English (MM/DD/YYYY)
European (DD/MM/YYYY)
International (YYYY-MM-DD)
The time settings support display of either 12 hour or 24 hour time displayed in the following format;
12 hours
(hh:mm:ss AM/PM)
24 hours
Regardless of the date format setting all log entries will be time stamped with a English format date (MM/ DD/YYYY) and
a 12 hour time format (hh:mm:ss AM/PM).
Changes must be updated to the unit by clicking the “Submit” button.