FIG 64
FIG 66
Using Your Fastback Soft Top
Fully Open Front and Rear Passen-
ger “Sun Roof”:
With the header latches un-latched
and front section open(Fig 64) un-hook
the 2 quick release knobs located on
the end of the header arms as circled
in Fig 65. Next, un-hook the 4 quick
release knobs on bow #1 and bow
#2 (Fig 65) leaving the two rear bows
(Bow #1 & #2) encased in the hook
and loop flaps.
Option #3 & #4
Once The front bow arms and two
rear bows are disconnected from the
bow mount brackets, with the help of
a friend, carefully fold back the front
header and two bows layering the top
and bows under the fabric and then
connect the front bow arms quick
release brackets to the rear-most third
bow mount bracket as
in Fig
This is option # 3. Notice in Fig 67
the fabric is “layered back and the
Bow Mount Brackets are installed
the rear bow brackets. This is op
#4 with the entire fabric assembly
folded back and secured to the rear
FIG 65
FIG 67
The front header arms must be secure to the third bow mount bracket and the
fabric/ bows must be layered back before the vehicle is driven! Failure to secu-
re these bow mounts will cause the top to potentially fly off the vehicle causing
damage to the top, vehicle and potentially other vehicles on the road.