radio will start to receive, turn of the speaker and you can hear the voice from your
2) DTMF encoder: You can set by programming software and 9 groups available.
You can input the characters0-9/A-D
* and #,and 16 bits for each group.
DTMF select call ID code without A-F characters, but group call and broadcast call
ID code with A-F characters.
MSK call: Select the channel with MSK optional signaling, press SIDE KEY as
“optional signaling call” to enter the shortcut call or press [ENT] key, the screen
display “--------”, at this time you can input select call/STUN/remove STUN codes,
press [PTT] key to call.
2) MSK encoder :You can set by programming software and 9 groups available. You
can input the characters0-9/A-F, 4bits for each group.
Note:CTCSS and DCS can set between the highest frequency and lowest frequency.